Why AmatRider
Your Time is Yours
Go “active” at your own time. Get requests within your current location. You’re the boss.
Earn Passively
Earn extra delivering packages within Turkey. Add to your multiple sources of income.
Get Rewarded
Receive tips from customers, Exceed targets and get rewarded. Passion fuels dreams!
How It Works
Receive Requests
Receive requests from stores and individuals around you in need of delivery service.
Accept Request
Accept requests that fits your route or schedule. Get paid for accepted requests
Complete Deliveries
Complete package deliveries from pickup to destination. Exceed target and get bonuses.
Doorstep Payment
Our riders are equiped with the necessary resources needed to make their day-to-day service enjoyable and worthwhile. Perform doorstep deliveries and accept payment, either through cash or customized POS machines.